Find Licensed, In-Network Therapists near Green Bay, WI

Select from a large network of online and in-person therapists near Green Bay, WI with a diverse range of specialities to find the perfect fit for you.

  • Insurance Accepted
  • Book Instantly
  • Online Therapy Available
What brings you here?

and over a hundred other insurance plans accepted

Hey, Green Bay!

Ready to prioritize your mental health? We know that finding a therapist that accepts your insurance can be overwhelming, which is why we've simplified the process. Browse therapists by your needs and insurance. Then, choose a time that works best for you and schedule directly into your therapist's calendar.

Getting Started

How Find My Therapist works

We believe that getting started with therapy should be simple, so that you can focus on what matters: you and your mental health.

  • Choose Your Therapist

    Select your preferences and browse a curated selection of experienced therapists specializing in your needs.

  • Schedule a Time

    You're busy - we're flexible. Pick a time that works for you and book directly into your therapist's calendar.

  • Connect Your Way

    Meet your therapist in-person or virtually, whichever works best for you.

Online. In-Person.
Easy to begin.

Getting the care you need has never been so easy. Whether you are looking for online therapy or in-person therapy in one of our nearby Wisconsin offices, we're here to support you.

After choosing your therapist, we'll verify your insurance and provide you with an up-front cost-estimate before your first appointment. We believe getting started with therapy should be simple, so that you can focus on what matters: you and your mental health.

Find My Therapist

Our range of care

Here are some of the most common concerns that our network of Wisconsin therapists specialize in:

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Self Esteem

  • Life Transitions

  • Marriage & Couples Counseling

  • Grief & Bereavement

  • Family Conflict

  • Child & Teen Counseling

  • And More...

Real People. Positive Impact.

Ready to take control of your mental health?

Find My Therapist
What can we help you with?

Frequently Asked Questions