Find Licensed, In-Network Therapists in Roseville, MI

Select from a large network of online and in-person therapists in Roseville, MI with a diverse range of specialities to find the perfect fit for you.

  • Insurance Accepted
  • Book Instantly
  • Online Therapy Available
What brings you here?

and over a hundred other insurance plans accepted

Hey, Roseville!

Ready to prioritize your mental health? We know that finding a therapist that accepts your insurance can be overwhelming, which is why we've simplified the process. Browse therapists by your needs and insurance. Then, choose a time that works best for you and schedule directly into your therapist's calendar.

Our Roseville office is located at

2780 E Snelling Ser Dr. , Suite 102
Roseville, MN 55113
Getting Started

How Find My Therapist works

We believe that getting started with therapy should be simple, so that you can focus on what matters: you and your mental health.

  • Choose Your Therapist

    Select your preferences and browse a curated selection of experienced therapists specializing in your needs.

  • Schedule a Time

    You're busy - we're flexible. Pick a time that works for you and book directly into your therapist's calendar.

  • Connect Your Way

    Meet your therapist in-person or virtually, whichever works best for you.

Online. In-Person.
Easy to begin.

Getting the care you need has never been so easy. Whether you are looking for online therapy or in-person therapy in one of our nearby Michigan offices, we're here to support you.

After choosing your therapist, we'll verify your insurance and provide you with an up-front cost-estimate before your first appointment. We believe getting started with therapy should be simple, so that you can focus on what matters: you and your mental health.

Find Licensed, In-Network Therapists Near You

Our range of care

Here are some of the most common concerns that our network of Michigan therapists specialize in:

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Self Esteem

  • Life Transitions

  • Relationships

  • Grief & Bereavement

  • Family Conflict

  • Parenting

  • And More...

Real People. Positive Impact.

Ready to take control of your mental health?

What can we help you with?

Frequently Asked Questions